ISOLATION TEST : Windows laptops and desktops


As mentioned on other pages that in a life cycle a computer can die for various reasons. Solutions identified by two types of tests called “isolation test” and “circuit breakers test” done personally or professionally will result in either replacement of softwares or replacement of hardwares. 

Cooling system and Fast Boot:  First of all, your computer can be not  turning on only because of overheating processor when cooling system needs cleaning, fan could be dead so on. Secondly fast boot is an option which can boot your system fast without checking static configurations but it is very risky to enable this feature on your bios or from windows power management. Because if any corruption enters the boot configurations it can lock down your system from booting into windows system can get into a boot loop. In that case flashing the bios chip to fresh start the logic board can become difficult job. Sometimes you might need replacement of the bios chip if flashing bios doesn’t solve the issue. 

Dead V. Malfunction: two kinds of hardware issues can prevent your system from turning on. If any of your rams dead that will prevent, but if your wifi card or HDD is malfunctioning that will prevent. As an example, recently I bought a converter to install a 40pin LCD on a 30pin connector came from the logic board. Now as soon as I plugged in the adapter and connected the lcd then turned on the laptop, my whole logic board just died as the adapter was malfunctioning. 

Laptop is not turning on at all: (Gaming laptops mostly): 

1. In a worst case scenario if laptop doesn’t turn on, it’s not always hardware problem. It could be windows or software related that you can’t fix until it is turning on. Various game configurations, software and hardware configurations from OS and apps can tumble up the system over time, bios/firmware  gets overwritten and corrupted. 

2. Every model of laptop has a youtube video how to open it without causing any damage. For desktop or laptop always remember you must use right equipments for right jobs. 

Steps are as follow for isolation test.

3. After opening the laptop first remove the battery if it was not outside and removable. Now press the power button and hold it for 30-60-120 seconds to drain all static charge from the motherboard. Now put the battery back and laptop might turn on. 

4. Now put the battery out again for next step. Look for a “button battery” on either sides of the logic board which usually saves the bios/firmware on the motherboard. Remove the battery which will factory reset the bios. Leave it for 10 min. Remove the rams dust them bit. HDD, SSD everything removable one by one clean them a bit and put them back. Which is called isolation test. Once you remove all removable parts from motherboard press the power button for 30-60 sec again. Now the isolation is done. System is cleared from all static data saved in various memories and chipsets which could be the reason for not turning on. It will also reset all hardwares when you reinstall them. 

5. If there is no button battery that means once you removed the laptop battery CMOS was cleared and factory reset was done. If button battery is soldered you might need a solder iron after you cut it. 

6. The isolation test can bring back many laptops to live which has corrupted firmware. Laptop manufacturer’s website has firmware on their site. You may flash/update bios after turning back on. 

7. Leave the battery out, plug the power adapter, plug in the cable for power button on the motherboard, try to turn on the laptop, see if the fan spinning first. If not check if processor getting warm. Your logic board can make various kind of beeps if no CMOS battery present, ram dead, fan dead. A piece of dart in the ram slot can stop your computer turning on. Always remember never unplug anything pulling the wires. Always use right equipment, plastic is better than metal. Keep 99% isopropyl alcohol to spray after dusting the logic board. Give your logic board a shower with isopropyl then dry up with cool air from a hair dryer. Dart, debris, rust can cause damage. I’m simply hopping that all good to clean up the system or read below. Remember you must be patient when you do this test. It’s just sometimes the system might take time to response when you reset the hardware. Leave the power plug on for a bit to see if wakes up, try installing the battery back, check indicator lights on the laptop to find the fault. All wires, items must be properly installed on the board and secured. Always give it enough time in each stage to response. In each stage system will not response straight away as you are resetting hardwares. But once it is on then the power button will work like magic. Plug in the power adapter, now hold the power button for 10-15 sec to see if system wakes up, then hold down the power button for 10-15sec then plug in the adapter holding it down, then release the button to see if system wakes up. Your system could be in hibernation or sleep when last time it was working. A corrupted system can be stuck in any state. It will wake up if the bios chip doesn’t need replacement. Most of the times, there will backlight on the black screen if the system has no other hardware issue.

8. Now you know laptop has hardware issue probably some fuse got busted from a short circuit. Until you replace them it won’t turn on. If fan spins a bit, that will prove your ram is good. Try one ram at a time in each slots. Your computer should turn on with a good processor, ram and at least one good graphics chip on a good slot of motherboard. Wifi card, sound card, usb ports, HDD drive if they are dead or removed will not stop your computer from turning on. Secondly some laptops are designed differently that will not turn on without a bootable media or HDD. In that case if your HDD is bugged or corrupted or removed, you will have to have a fresh and clean windows on your HDD connected to the logic board to turn it on. A bootable USB may do the job if the logic board can detect the USB. Some systems can perform very slow without a working battery installed. 

9. Some youtube video will show you how the technicians find the dead fuse or part using multimeter then replace them. That is called circuit breaker test. 

10. As usual….If laptop turning on, no display LCD could be dead or graphics card or any circuit, port along the display circuit on mother


11. On Apple systems they have shortcut keys to clear SMC, NVRAM, T2 Chip which is kind of time consuming for windows system as above.

As mentioned on other pages once the laptop is turning on and you can get into the bios, your hardware should be OK. You might need fresh installation of windows if windows is not loading, sometimes you might need to replace the hard drive if corrupted. Some systems like Dell, Lenovo, HP they come with built in diagnostic system to test your hardware after turning it back on. Support page of manufacturer has bundle of apps to support, update and diagnose your hardware and software. 
