Gas filter shifts the mode of the game off sometimes at the time of suspense. Ammos are bit loos sometimes if less diligence in filter crisis. I shot the light at the fast-passing train station by adventure on the third attempt passed me the checkpoint surprisingly. I thought my machine gun was moving reverse to my controller all on a sudden which was actually the turns of the railway making aim dodgy. Outpost to tower chapters are fast-moving to launch the missile at the end. How did I reach the outpost? that was really fast and furious with lots of supply of ammo. Didn't like the idea of some graphical elements like crane, jump testing which elements are far better on Tomb Raiders. Amo selection kept me in limbo after getting a fire spray gun which did not work after two chapters probably for the reason that I was carrying two shotguns. I really like getting a revolver at the end after dodgy stuff, because I was not carrying one in the whole game. Really enjoyed 4 headshots to kill the last enemy. Gun selection remained unresolved but game over anyway.
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